We recommend contacting the business to check the information before visiting
Possible with a dog
Children's toilet
Bike parking
Last photo added 02.16.2025
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Average bill:from 300 ₽
Price of a glass of beer:from 200 ₽
Business lunch price:350 ₽
General information
Food delivery
Credit card payment
Coffee to go
Around the clock work
Business lunch
Menu for children
Pre-order online
Play room
Pickup points
Payment method:contactless payment, payment by credit card, Fast payment system, online, electronic money, payment by card, bank transfer, QR code, cash
Promotions:promotions, discounts, special offers
Cuisine:halal, kosher, from caucasus, turkish, middle eastern, vegetarian, arabian, jewish
Type of place:bistro, beer bar, Vegetarian restaurant, Falafel, grill bar, Craft bar, gastropub, beer food, Halal restaurant, snack-bar, fast food, Kosher restaurant
Types of delivery:Delivery-club, Yandex.Eda
Number of tables:10–21
Summer terrace
Craft beer
Music:chillout, deep house, dj`s
Special menu:shawarma, proper diet, lenten, diet, childrens, kosher, doner
Features institution:bar counter, kitchen works twenty-four hours a day, open kitchen, allowed with a laptop, animal friendly, free parking